Thursday, August 19, 2010

cutting the only real trees near my house

I say "the trees feel warm today,
I think they're out of breath,"
They danced for one last time tonight
While waiting for their death.

Axes flying, wounded trees,
They fall with silent screams,
And never will they reach again
Towards Creator's beams.

Trees, they grow around their wounds,
Extend their leafy crown,
But they will never have that chance
When white men cut them down.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


These pictures were taken on top of scenic mountain
just before the storm...

An unexpected thunderstorm
Is passing through my life
Shaking the walls of my soul
Saturating the ground at my feet
Making it hard to stand

The lightning is brilliant
The thunderous blows make my heart flutter
The rain on my roof sings me a lullaby
And I am finally able to sleep
Surrounded in a blanket of distraction

These floods may be disastrous
The seas of emotion could swallow me whole
But right now
I just want to splash in the puddles

Come play in the rain with me?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Moon Child

I am a moonchild
A girl in the presence of night
that I worship on this hallow ground,
I feel the rays penetrate my skin,
As I reluctantly grasp for the last shred,
of moonlight slipping from my grasp.
Now the suns rays invade into me,
And I stumble into the void,
The sun mocking me from above,
Until I may finally embrace the moon's grace once again,
For Artemis, a hunter of the moon.
Maybe I can make something beautiful,
with blue and rainbow penetrated veins.
And someday dance as a sheet of rain
descends upon my face,
lying up to the huntress of the moon,
forever asleep to the rest of the sunbound world.
Life simply, with and forever as the moon.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My superpower is liberated by free will and trust, which lead me to explore simple speculations for their own sake. I can move beyond the fear factor. I don't know where I'm going, and I don't care where I've been. I only know that, as the hero of my own story, it's for me to find out. For, like Alice, I'm on the verge of stepping into a rabbit hole; unless I stop short and play it safe, I'll know soon enough where following my own feet has landed me on this curious venture. The blissful frailty of unwritten conclusions and unguarded access sweetens the desire. So despite familiar warnings, irresistible promise draws my eyes wide open and away from domestic comfort zones, with only certain inquiry, hope and faith to recommend my course. I'll never know until I try."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You think I'm dark
I think you're light
You think I'm wrong
I know I'm right...

I think my hopes
Are also yours
But still you hide
Behind closed doors

I think your love
Is in my heart
But you think we
Should be apart

I think our souls
Remain as one
You see the truth
But I still run.

I think our dream
Can still come true
When all I dream
I dream for you..

You think I'm wrong
I know I'm right
When in the dark
I see your light

So let it shine
And soon you'll see
Within the light
We both can be