Saturday, August 14, 2010

Moon Child

I am a moonchild
A girl in the presence of night
that I worship on this hallow ground,
I feel the rays penetrate my skin,
As I reluctantly grasp for the last shred,
of moonlight slipping from my grasp.
Now the suns rays invade into me,
And I stumble into the void,
The sun mocking me from above,
Until I may finally embrace the moon's grace once again,
For Artemis, a hunter of the moon.
Maybe I can make something beautiful,
with blue and rainbow penetrated veins.
And someday dance as a sheet of rain
descends upon my face,
lying up to the huntress of the moon,
forever asleep to the rest of the sunbound world.
Life simply, with and forever as the moon.


  1. Wow. Did you write that? Beautiful! And what a gorgeous picture! I wish I could live close to nature again. One day, maybe Ghana. It is calming---you are right!

  2. Thanks my dear, This is were I put all the things that swirl about in my head. You so know how Scorpios are, deep, dark and way to intense for anyone else....
    come visit any time you need an escape from the real world! lol

  3. are you are a moon child? i love to listen to your words as they escape my lips. it's
