Monday, November 8, 2010

The Illusion

You are the illusion, you never shall end,
With the cloak and the mask the truth you will bend,
And with callous objections you’ll corrupt all you see,
Until you’re surrounded by all who believe.

You are the illusion, you never shall fall,
Their pain is your life force, their terror- your call,
You swoop and you glide and you take what you need,
Until they are broken, no more can they bleed.

You are the illusion, the face of the damned,
You steal away innocence, smite all you can,
Fill them with horror and desolate dreams,
Happy- you listen to each of their screams.

You are the illusion, yet I have the eyes..
I watch you – I see what’s beneath that disguise,
Try taint me, and pain me- steal all that I love,
And I shall ignore you, and soar far above.

You are the illusion, yet now none believe,
They can all see you, they’re listening to me?
Who will be there to take care of your mask?
And your cloak- as you’ve failed in your task.

You are the illusion; you elude not a soul,
Wrapped up in darkness, shiver with cold.

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