Wednesday, December 2, 2009

For the GIRLS

This is for the girls.

For the girls whose favorite color growing up was green,

not PINK.

For the elementary school princess, still dreaming of being royalty.

For the cheerleaders and the song writers,

For the girls who loved fairy tales, who love romantic comedies.

For the girls who won't let you blame their anger on sadness or PMS,

Regardless what time of the month it is.

This is for the runaways,

the girls fainting down the runways.

For the girls who played their Barbie dolls into Doctors and Teachers.

For they were not allowed to be ok with the A's

For the girls who got A's in their math and science classes.

For the spitfires kicking the baseball teams asses.

For the girls who wrote poetry,

who write love letters,

Write Love Me down one arm and I Exist down the other.

For the girls who love sex and aren't afraid to share it with others.

For the girls who dress the best, and girls who flaunt their breast,

For the girls who love football, wrestling and pillow fights.

For the girls who like girls, for the girls who kiss girls,

And the girls who are for all the boys.

For saving face to save themselves gracefully,

falling apart behind closed doors.

This is for the heroines who like themselves,

who hate themselves, who hurt themselves,

but refuse to change themselves for someone else.

For the girls who will never get used to you calling them beautiful,

But will never allow anyone to call them chicks, dimes, honeys, sluts or Ho's.

This is for the high heels, taking dark- alley steps carefully,

listening because they have to.

This is for the girls who's monsters are still out there,

This is for the girls who made damn sure theirs aren't.

This is for the girls who are swallowing more than doubt for dinner,

For the shoulders carrying relentless weights,

for the home makers and home wreckers.

the the heart breakers and the breaking hearts.

This for for the girls who are working harder than their paychecks think.

This is for the man-eaters who refuse to believe, that the meaning of life,

is settling down, settling into, settling for some thing less than they want.

For the femme- fatales

for the fem- nazis,

For the women who are still surviving the holocaust of their domestic violence,

at the hands of their undomesticated ANIMALS.

For all the girls who understand love does not warrant punishment,

and hope for the girls that don't.

For the girls dancing with boys at parties,

for the girls dancing with girls at parties,

for the girls clutching their drinks at parties,

for the girls being raped at parties.

For the girls facing rapist on the witness stand,

For girls black eyed having their man arrested.

For the girls who get out their pens,

write I EXIST down this arm,

and LOVE ME up the other,

and in the middle scribble BEAUTIFUL

For all the girls.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Goddess!
    This is so damn great! Let's hear it for the girls!
    I am printing this out and framing it for my office.
