Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I always believed
that love was blind,
but that theory was relieved
since i was the one that was blind.

I constantly believed
that one day she would love me,
but i solely deceived
my heart's hope to be free.

Emotions faded away
below her mixed messages,
all that i had to say
directly written on bleeding pages.

Love is something
this heart will never get,
my heart will lonely sing
poems filled with regret.

it is always the same story
but now i won't glimpse at the past,
because my fate i can now foresee
forever i will be love's outcast.

*this poem is about inner rejection*


  1. That's how you feel inside? I will ask you again, were you in a abusive relationship? Were you abused as a child? I can only think that is the answer to you feeling this way. Do you think you sabotaged your relationship with her? I think so and that is sad that you are such a strong powerful woman who helps all these women in domestic violence but doesn't feel like you deserve to be loved. Did she ever know that about you? Of course not what am I thinking.

  2. know what? i have nothing to say. i don't feel like i should have to explain myself here.. this is so i can get out what is inside of me. (a suggestion from a friend.)

    i just got home from work..
