Friday, May 13, 2011

yee naaldlooshii ( Skinwalker)

And in her eyes, blue as the Earth, a heavenly multitude, singing in an endless spiral of blinding light. As I stared deep into those predatory eyes all knowing, causing me to begin fading, blurred, no imaginary lines constricting abstract form, non-linear function.
I could not avert my gaze, so full of stars were they, as I fell upon the entirety of the Universe in but a moment frozen. Rendered unto dust, this being of illusion, chained, but once upon a time, free...

Falling forever, though in a fixed point, only to be carried away by winds blowing not from the north, But instead from that spirit of fire, as her flames dance without remorse upon this whisper frozen, upon an essence of embers undying, from the spirit of the wolf in bondage. Fettered in shackles unlocked, this spirit, which is me.

Through the eyes of the Wolf I have found myself, somewhere beyond the Cosmos, waiting in loneliness behind this space/time self-deception construct, drenched in lost epochs, waiting for me to catch up to myself so far removed, now I become one, into green and cool mists I run now, swift, embracing and embraced by the all.

Through the Eyes of the Wolf I now see again, for the dust of the former has finally been swept away.

My Heart Starts Beating.


  1. It's out there I wonder where your mind travels. I really wish I understood more of what you are thinking and feeling. Explain a skinwalker to me, I am lost here. Did your ex girlfriend understand any of your posts? I am not trying to upset you I am wondering if it's just me.

  2. out there? yep that's where i am from much of the thinking world.. i exercise my free thinking. please don't use the term ex with her. anyone that is an ex in my life i never want to see or hear or speak of again. Her name is Diana. let me see if i can explain this to you using my free thinking..I believe when you deeply love.. You will come away changed forever, for one soul cannot touch another without leaving its mark. So she will never be an ex.. she has left a mark forever on my soul..
    ok back to what you asked, amazingly yes she understood every word i uttered no matter how badly i explained myself.. Diana understood every word i wrote and felt every thought i placed on the page. it was that soul connection we have in our life if we are very very lucky. ..if she would come here and read skinwalker she would understand it. Look up skinwalker it's Navajo. then see if you understand it.
