Wednesday, May 18, 2011

harm none...

By this cold stone in my hand,
I send a message through the land,
Seeking a revenge, so dark,
Goddesses, be present, hark!

Hecate, bring your deadly breeze
Of plague and madness and disease,
Bring evil-doers to an end,
To her do all my vengeance send!

Morrigan, so hear this call
To bring a traitor to her fall!
As frightened warriors meet their death,
Exhale from her the final breath.

Kali of the power hate,
In your hand this cruel one's fate,
By the new moon's total night,
Set this wrong now onto right.

By this cold stone in my hand,
I send a message through the land,
By these rulers, witches three,
This is my will, so mote it be!

i should probably explain the appearance of contradictions of harm none and this spell.
it's harming none when i am so mad that i cast this into the skies
hoping it will find the Goddess listening to block harm from someone just being plain mean.
it's your intention that helps power the spell.... my intentions are pure...

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