Thursday, December 29, 2011


Voices laced with sugar and poison
Assaults my senses
Until the hue of my skin
And the sex of my person
Matters more than the brain in my head
Or the size of my heart
Or the strength of spirit

In unbearable sadness
I watch
the line between friend and enemy
blur and melt into one

Slowly give birth to actions
That the mind can't accept and the heart
Can barely fathom

Shaking the foundation of reality
That I once stood upon

So even if I fall
Even if my heart is covered in unseen scars
Don't look so surprised when I stand
Back up
Against the rain..

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Elemental Wolf

I am the stellar wolf.
With eyes of amber,
Which hold fallen stars,
And that reflect the moon’s glow.

I am the Inferno wolf.
With my fiery heart,
That burns for a mate.
And the passion to run free.

I am the Aquatic wolf.
With my liquid movements,
That help calm my pack,
In times of confusion and pain.

I am the Wooded wolf.
With my pine needle fur,
That stands on end in fury,
When danger threatens my pack.

I am the Aero wolf.
With my bone chilling growls,
And my light hearted howls,
That reach even the heavens in the sky.

I am the Earthen wolf.
With my sand paper paws,
That help me grip,
And rip into the earth when I run.

I am the Elemental wolf.
Though I may seem strange,
With all my forms,
I am actually one.

With one heart,
One soul,
One desire,
I am the wolf.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

harm none...

By this cold stone in my hand,
I send a message through the land,
Seeking a revenge, so dark,
Goddesses, be present, hark!

Hecate, bring your deadly breeze
Of plague and madness and disease,
Bring evil-doers to an end,
To her do all my vengeance send!

Morrigan, so hear this call
To bring a traitor to her fall!
As frightened warriors meet their death,
Exhale from her the final breath.

Kali of the power hate,
In your hand this cruel one's fate,
By the new moon's total night,
Set this wrong now onto right.

By this cold stone in my hand,
I send a message through the land,
By these rulers, witches three,
This is my will, so mote it be!

i should probably explain the appearance of contradictions of harm none and this spell.
it's harming none when i am so mad that i cast this into the skies
hoping it will find the Goddess listening to block harm from someone just being plain mean.
it's your intention that helps power the spell.... my intentions are pure...


I always believed
that love was blind,
but that theory was relieved
since i was the one that was blind.

I constantly believed
that one day she would love me,
but i solely deceived
my heart's hope to be free.

Emotions faded away
below her mixed messages,
all that i had to say
directly written on bleeding pages.

Love is something
this heart will never get,
my heart will lonely sing
poems filled with regret.

it is always the same story
but now i won't glimpse at the past,
because my fate i can now foresee
forever i will be love's outcast.

*this poem is about inner rejection*

Friday, May 13, 2011

yee naaldlooshii ( Skinwalker)

And in her eyes, blue as the Earth, a heavenly multitude, singing in an endless spiral of blinding light. As I stared deep into those predatory eyes all knowing, causing me to begin fading, blurred, no imaginary lines constricting abstract form, non-linear function.
I could not avert my gaze, so full of stars were they, as I fell upon the entirety of the Universe in but a moment frozen. Rendered unto dust, this being of illusion, chained, but once upon a time, free...

Falling forever, though in a fixed point, only to be carried away by winds blowing not from the north, But instead from that spirit of fire, as her flames dance without remorse upon this whisper frozen, upon an essence of embers undying, from the spirit of the wolf in bondage. Fettered in shackles unlocked, this spirit, which is me.

Through the eyes of the Wolf I have found myself, somewhere beyond the Cosmos, waiting in loneliness behind this space/time self-deception construct, drenched in lost epochs, waiting for me to catch up to myself so far removed, now I become one, into green and cool mists I run now, swift, embracing and embraced by the all.

Through the Eyes of the Wolf I now see again, for the dust of the former has finally been swept away.

My Heart Starts Beating.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

my protection...

I am covered mostly in darkened bruises
No matter what I choose to do my body loses
They come from a drunken mans mistakes
To protect the others my body now aches

Thursday, April 21, 2011

" L "

woman warrior

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up these defenses, you build this whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life. You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They do something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own any more. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. not just in the mind. It's a soul hurt, a body hurt, a real gets inside you and rips you apart pain. I hate love.
-Neil Gaiman-

Monday, April 11, 2011

I believe I lost something,
Before I even got it.
It felt like mine
If only for a brief moment
It felt like mine
Maybe I wanted it to badly,
Maybe I showed to much of me"""
And not enough of me
Maybe my timing was all wrong
I know the timing was just SO wrong
I had it, or least I thought I did
I had right there in my heart.
In my heart I will always have it and keep it safe.
But it's not the same
It's not the same as touching it with my hand
or feeling it touch mine.
Maybe I will give it some time
it will come back and say
OK I am yours to keep as long as your heart desires
My heart desires forever..
Maybe if I look around I will find it again
Maybe I never really had it and I just fooled myself.
Into thinking that I did, because of the desires of my heart.
But for the short while I thought I had it,
I can say that I did and still do Love it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tala the arctic wolf cub

This is Tala my wolf cub. She's 10 weeks old in these pictures, the top picture she is looking for ants. She likes to watch them, then hop on top of them. She's so cute.
I got her when she was 5weeks old. The owners started socializing her 4 weeks old by hand feeding her .