Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Find a Heart that will love you at your worst,
Find Arms that will hold you at your weakest..

Finally I have found out what 'True Love' means, the statement above is my discovery. Not anyone else's version just mine. This subject has taken a pre-occupation mode in my mind, not dwelling for a long time because I am still stronger than it is. It slips in as quietly as it leaves.
I don't feel as left out and almost robbed of this feeling any more. Suddenly today it came to me, that I am a "True Love" to the ones I care about. I will always love them, and my arms will always hold them when they need. A fascinating emotion to fully understand for myself.
I am happy today...

1 comment:

  1. You got it baby! Find the one who can hold you at your weakest, that person is very very special to a Scorpio since we don't allow sight of weakness. The heart that will love you at your worst, is true love. They love unconditionally, you are a TRUE LOVE to your friends. Remember that.
