Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Secret Place

Everyone should have one.. This is my secret place where only a few know the path way here. I was a bit uneasy when I discovered that the woman I love was given a GPS System so she could re-calculate her way back. I wanted to be able to say all those things inside of my some what eccentric mind.. I am not a shy person, just very secretive. Do I really want a person to know me totally without leaving any thing to mystery?
As days go by the answer is not so much any more, Seriously I wondered what I am waiting for. I am getting older and it's time that once again another knows me unconditionally. It seems so damn long ago that I felt this opening up. I once had a friend who could see straight through me into my soul, she's gone now... waiting... until that day.

I am happy she is visiting now and again, maybe she will understand me better. Maybe she can read words I put on paper that make a whole hell of allot of sense to me if no one else. I write so much, I wouldn't call it poetry.. I think that should be left to the gifted, I write how things feel inside of me, how I react and how I see life.

You just have to close your eyes and open wide your minds eye after you read it and all the things that seem illusions find a way to develop for you, well they do for me. Remember the Madder Hatter and Alice, and you will be on your way ...

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