Monday, November 30, 2009


I met you in a dream once
We walked hand in hand
Along the gentle tide of the sea
As it caressed the soft warm sand

This was your dream
A place where you could be alone
But you welcomed me into your dream
As if it were my own

I heard you sing to me once
When my mind was in pain
Your voice soothed my aching muscles
And made me feel strong again

This was your song
One you could sing alone
But you shared with me the melody
As if it were my own

I saw your room once
Decorated in your own cute way
And showed me all the things you love

This was your home
Where you could be alone
But you welcomed me in
As if it were my own

And although it seems
That this is all a dream
I am glad for it
This joy I have is how a heart should feel

This is my life
For too long I have been alone
But I offer to share it all with you
As if it were your own

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