Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prepare-- Shock Waves Possible!

My alter ego today is The Survivor.. my super power for revolution lies in my epiphany for change, brought on with the aid of a serious reality check. Today I have reached a turning point. It may all be over but the crying.. But I have the strength to move on a create a better situation for myself. You may say I never saw it coming or learn things the hard way, but with profound change comes a new opportunity, So I will tear down the walls and rebuild new.
She was standing on the edge when the tower fell.
When the last stitch came undone,
and the world fell into darkness.
The deck of cards in her hands,
fanned out into the air.
She closed her eyes against the storm
against the hearts and fell into the void.
She was Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole again.
And with a smile she fell past the screaming Queens and dueling lovers,
A crow cawed twice in vulgar recognition..
And all was calm...

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