Monday, June 22, 2009

Christian Domestic Discipline

A Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD) marriage is simply a traditional, male-led, Christian marriage which utilises aspects of Domestic Discipline. It is set up according to Biblical standards.
The husband is the authority of the household. The wife is submissive to her husband as if the Lord Himself was her husband. The wife is to reverence her husband. She is to obey him, so long as his instructions are not in opposition to God's commands. He has the authority to spank his wife for disciplinary reasons such as the "Four D's" (Disobedience, Disrespect, Dishonesty, or Dangerous [as in dangerous choices... reckless driving, disobeying doctor's orders,)

This style of traditional male-led Christian marriage may seem unusual in today's "modern", liberal, politically correct, anti-God culture. This unholy culture, with its radically selfish feminism, and wholesale bias against true manhood, launches relentless attacks against traditional Christian family values. (Keep in mind, this is also the culture with well over 50% divorce rates, both in the church and in the secular world. Most rational people would agree the "modern" way doesn't work so well!)
And it rambles on about what GOD Defines as evil, alternate lifestyles.. homosexuality. I am safe from this God, he always appears to me as a cruel kind of God who does bad things to you or the ones you love if you don't see eye to eye on how you should live YOUR LIFE. I am not much on being told what I can and can't do with my own body, how I should act or speak,or where I should spend my Sundays.

Back to the CCD, it offers web pages for the Man of Discipline, The Bigger picture,Commanding Tone, Maintenance Discipline, Warm up, and One size may not fit all.. But,
And For the Women..the beautiful faith of fearless submission, My first time, (No.. not sex your first spanking). And a special page that says: DD is not DV.

I am going to rain on their parade! Any time a woman is in a submissive position and the threat of being spanked for other then her sexual pleasure is : Say it together DOMESTIC VIOLENCE! It appears this web page has been attacked several times before by us Liberated women or as they like to call it Feminist who have wanted to open their eyes to the fact that Women should not be Punished by a man, for any reason what so ever especially by hitting her

And if your GOD says it's alright there is something seriously wrong there also. As an Advocate for DV I hear all the reasons beatings happen, it boils down to the same thing.. men are abusive. period. I don't care if she didn't clean the house, you probably didn't mow the damn yard or clean out the garage. I don't care if the kids are crying and it got on your nerves, should of worn a condom, I don't care if your day at work sucked, she isn't your boss and she didn't ruin your day, don't go home and take it out on her.


these are the five steps you go through when you experience death.. The death of a loved one, the death or end of a relationship, and the death or end of being a human being.. I see all these stages when dealing with repeat Domestic Violence Victims. They deny the fact they are abused, they get mad and swear it won't ever happen again, They plead for the abuser to stop that they will do better, They become depressed and loose their free will, Finally they Accept that it will never change and there is no way out.

And for a Religion to make this kind of behavior an Acceptance is way out of line.

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