Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My thoughts about Quiver

I believe that WOMEN are the most powerful human on this earth. We give life.. What bothers me most about this book and it's followers is that for to damn long Women have been told who they can be, how they should act and what they should look like. This makes me feel like I am dying from a thousand paper cuts.

I have never been so out of control that I felt that I had to look a certain way, It is sad to me about all the starving people in the world. But it is so much more sad to me to see all the starving women and young girls that think they have to look like those in a magazine or on TV to be wanted and loved. This follows along with the opinions of this book and Kathryn Joyce, the Women are controlled and not excepted as human beings.
This is anti-feminism and another, startling motivation for large Christian families as well as the Quiverfull followers that by having very large families, and teaching their children to do the same, they could win the culture wars through numbers alone. Many women are subjecting themselves to an often punishing lifestyle, I am concerned about what seems as a growing backlash against women’s rights within religious communities.
Far to long have Women made self sacrifices for others. To be ruled and controlled by a husband or any other man is not what love is about. I worked with Domestic Violence for a big part of my life and I see the damage that control does to a woman. To have no self esteem or to not have the knowledge to function with out someone making commands at you is not only a disgrace but a outrage to think that a woman has no rights to do as she wills.

Slavery was abolished in this country many years ago and thoughts that it is regaining strength through this Christan belief makes me ill. TO subject women to no birth control and want countless children to reproduce the same quality of life is a CULT.

I see a bracelet in my mind that sells at many stores the initials are WWJD, I stop and ponder that question and the answer that comes to mind is set them all on fire and send them to hell for taking upon yourselves to think that you know for sure what YOUR GOD would do.
Since I don't believe in your hell I find myself set free.

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