Sunday, June 14, 2009

Toltec Wisdom

I have talked about the need to escape to be transformed for reasons not always apparent to others at times not even to myself. But the deep desire to escape, to run away some would say haunts me until I feel I will have no peace unless I find what is calling me in the depths of my soul. The latest and most grueling adventure took me to a place unseen by others except a few special people. A cabin high upon a mountain away from any comforts of what others call home. I thrive in this environment, Mother Nature embraces me.. restores my sanity when I walk among the trees listening to their words of wisdom. This time I discovered a new form of understanding. Lessons that can only be learned by those who open their souls and minds to the Elders from long ago. The wise trees that teach me impact my life in a way that completes all that I need except for human love.
In pre-Hispanic cultures, the central world tree is known as a Ceiba trunk, which connects the planes of the Underworld, the 13 skies, and the terrestrial realm. Thousands of years ago, the Tolec which I evolved from were known through out southern Mexico as women and men of knowledge. I stand before Nature as this woman, to explore and reflect the spiritual knowledge and practices of the ancient ones.
Learning from the Women Naguals the masters or Crones of this world of new spirituality for me.
The Naguals like Pagans were forced to hide the ancestral wisdom and maintain it in complete obscurity. They shield the knowledge from those who are not prepared to use it wisely or use it for personal gain. Like Pagans this esoteric knowledge was embodied and passed on through generations. I was called from a great ancestor to seek out this knowledge, the distant calling that tormented the deepest parts of my being.

I realized at this point I was made of light, I am made of stars. Everything is a mirror that reflects light and creates images of that light and the world of illusion the dream is just smoke which doesn't allow us to see who we really are. The real light is pure love, pure light.

I looked around at nature and was amazed that I saw myself in everything, in every animal, in every tree, in the water, in the rain, in the clouds and in the earth. My heart began to fill with peace. I no longer had judgment about anything or anyone, I was no longer like anyone else.

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