Monday, June 15, 2009

"GOD" Has a Divine Plan for your Vaginas

I can think of a few things that make me "Quiver" but this isn't one of them. The book Quiverfull by Kathryn Joyce. It argues that God, as the "Great Physician" and sole "Birth Controller," opens and closes the womb on a case-by-case basis. Women's attempts to control their own bodies--the Lord's temple--are a seizure of divine power. So he seeks out who he wants to have children and who he doesn't.

Priorities [for Christian women] may include rising early to feed the family, being available anytime to satisfy a husband’s desires (barring a few “ungodly” or “homosexual” acts), seeking his approval regarding work, appearance, and leisure, and accepting that he has the “burden” of final say in arguments. After a wife has respectfully appealed her spouse’s decision — a privilege she should not abuse — she must accept his final answer as “God’s will for her at that time”… The godly wife must also suppress selfish desires (for romance, a career, an equitable marriage), practice addressing her spouse in soothing tones, and maintain a private log of bitter thoughts to guide her repentance. “If you disobey your husband, you are indirectly shaking your fist at God.”

Essentially, a Quiverfull woman breeds and keeps breeding, knocking out babies until her uterus gives out or menopause kicks in. It also refers to the notion that women should “receive children eagerly as blessings from God, eschewing all forms of birth control, including natural family planning and sterilization.” I read an interview with Kathryn Joyce and found that she lacks in any ability to think or act on her own. As a Domestic Violence Advocate this makes me wonder if the "laws" of this patriarchy allow correcting and punishment as seen fit by the husband. In other words.. Do You Beat Your Wives? I shake my head reading between the lines and believe the answer is there for any feminist to see when they comment about how their daughters are allowed to date.
" The best way of making sure that the daughter marries a man suitably in tune with the father’s ideology. For men concerned with keeping the movement going in the next generation, it’s important to make sure they marry their daughter to a man who will be similarly faithful to patriarchy and Quiverfull convictions.
Personally I believe you should be able to live your life as you want.. as long as it doesn't harm anyone. Stopping dead in my thoughts I feel this ideology should have more convictions, starting with a woman's right to do with her body as SHE sees fit. And that goes for all women including those who marry. Along with others I have spoken to and read comments from find it sexist, misogynistic, and misguided.
I am quite sure they wouldn't approve of me being a lesbian and would make crosses at my page, it's also a good possibility bibles would be thrown at computer screens when they listened to me become "Bilingual"


  1. "I read an interview with Kathryn Joyce and found that she lacks in any ability to think or act on her own."

    Was this statement ABOUT Ms. Joyce? If so, I think you are totally missing the point on the way she wrote this book, which I myself have read in completion. I think it is admirable that she, unlike MANY authors, chose to keep her personal opinion out of it in order to prompt those who read Quiverfull to form their OWN opinions. The fact that she chooses to remain unbiased in her interviews should also reflect this.

  2. Unbiased. Riiiight.

    So you're telling me this woman wrote this book and promoted it without having personally experienced living this lifestyle?

    The first day of creative writing 101 you are taught to write what you know, and likewise, she's doing the same.

    I secretly wonder though, how many arguments she gets in with her very own 'patriarch'? I bet he's just happy that the CASH rolls in. I also wonder whether she's allowed to keep any of it since it is HER work.

    God and Money making. Two truths that always seem to go together.

    So anon, you find this book valuable? You think women should stop self-actualizing, since they too are made in GOD'S image, and get in the kitchen immediately?
