Friday, June 26, 2009

I feel allot of sorrow since yesterday afternoon, the death of this great Icon seems so surreal to me. I am only a year older than he was, I grew up listening to him sing.. but the greatest gift he gave me was the gift of dance. Many hours I spent watching him dance over and over trying to copy what he did with such passion. I started dancing when I was 5. I was constantly scolded for practicing his dance technique instead of what I was supposed to be rehearsing. My ballet teacher would tell me to stop trying to show the other girls such provocative style of what I thought was really dancing.
I learned the moon walk on my mom's new kitchen floor, If anyone is a dancer they have in some way studied his style of dance. From his moon walk, crotch grab, to his white glove and hat he will remain a Icon to the world. There will never be another Micheal Jackson..

I danced today in front of the TV like before while watching the tribute of his life. Again I had an audience but they cheered me on, like me they watched a legend grow up and become the most talented dancer in the world. May you rest in peace...

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