Saturday, June 20, 2009

Silence of the night

Red lights break the silence, fighting for air as if this was my last breath. I pause trying to create enough courage to exit the car before walking up a broken sidewalk that leads into a world of broken dreams. These faces are new to me eyeing my badge but inside the story remains the same. I try to walk past him, but my steps are slowed.. my anxiety high, my anger rises. Pausing I wait... I want his reaction, glaring eyes try to penetrate my thoughts, to overwhelm me with fear. I can't be afraid, I have lived this all before.
She has become a shadow, limp lying next to the wall. Bending down I touch her arm and she whimpers expecting another blow. softly I say her name and tell her I am here to protect her. Knowing deep inside of me, the predator has taken control. I try to brush her hair back to see her battered face, clumped with blood her golden hair clings to my shaking fingers. And I begin to cry, before me letters are cut deep into her skin, the predator claimed his victim the word slut carved across her check. Her eyes are sealed closed from his fist, her mouth cut and swollen I hear his pleading, calling her name.. I am sorry I lost my temper tell them to set me free, I love you and didn't mean it.. Please tell them to go away.

I have done this for to long I thought before, A first responder in a Domestic Violence Call. I keep going back, tonight was my first call in a new town. Even though the people are different the results are still the same, a woman is scared and hurting.

1 comment:

  1. Expressive, none the less stop with the eye contact you know this leads to danger. I don't want any calls at 3am about you being hurt.
    We have had this discussion before, I want some answers to where you are heading with this type of behavior.

