Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's time... for any of you that may happen onto this page to let you know exactly what this is all about. It's for me.. Selfish? maybe but if you know anything about Scorpios you know we live in a world all our own. Not by any one else's rules except what rules each one of us. A big society of mysterious, dark and secret people.
I am about to let many of mine out. No one knows me and it's almost intriguing to say the least and in fact quite stimulating for me to be capable to remain mysterious while welcoming you to a world full of energy, emotions, fantasies and sensuality you will ever experience.

If you have a comment leave it I can't guarantee I won't hurt your feelings, make you cry or may cause you to have a deep desire to wait for the next random posting. I can guarantee you are in for the wildest ride of your life. You can either hang on for dear life or let go from exhaustion choice is yours.. As i said this is my release, my thoughts and no matter how random they may be.. they exist.

I have sought out "Love" all my life. Never knew what it was until one day I met a woman online that took all control of this Scorpio and held me in her hand. I did gently sting her a time or two just to awaken her senses, of course she pulled back like any human would from the slight uncomfort. But, she returned and offered the warmth of her hand around me again. This time she controlled me like she had no fear, and I re-coiled my poison away experiencing something new and luring to me. Damn it! I allowed her to take all control. Now she is gone and I am one upset Scorpion.

I loved the way she knew me and the things about me that nobody else knows. The way she could tell when I was upset even though I would say nothing.
The way she made me laugh when I felt like I was loosing my mind. The way she kept my secrets safe and my dreams alive. I loved the way it felt to be known and loved and excepted by her just as I am. The saddest part of all of this love was She didn't know when to let me go or to pull me close.
The darkness of a Scorpio is the need to self-desruct when the time comes. To be re-born new and better. To see life more amazing, to become more complete. Nothing personal, but we fly away with our pain and hurt.
I felt like I was becoming exactly what I needed to be in life finally, but she couldn't hold on and she couldn't see the beauty that laid before us on my final journey to her.

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